Backing up

Now we’re ready to backup some data. The contents of a directory at a specific point in time is called a “snapshot” in restic. Run the following command and enter the repository password you chose above again:

$ restic -r /tmp/backup backup ~/work
enter password for repository:
scan [/home/user/work]
scanned 764 directories, 1816 files in 0:00
[0:29] 100.00%  54.732 MiB/s  1.582 GiB / 1.582 GiB  2580 / 2580 items  0 errors  ETA 0:00
duration: 0:29, 54.47MiB/s
snapshot 40dc1520 saved

As you can see, restic created a backup of the directory and was pretty fast! The specific snapshot just created is identified by a sequence of hexadecimal characters, 40dc1520 in this case.

If you run the command again, restic will create another snapshot of your data, but this time it’s even faster. This is de-duplication at work!

$ restic -r /tmp/backup backup ~/work
enter password for repository:
using parent snapshot 40dc1520aa6a07b7b3ae561786770a01951245d2367241e71e9485f18ae8228c
scan [/home/user/work]
scanned 764 directories, 1816 files in 0:00
[0:00] 100.00%  0B/s  1.582 GiB / 1.582 GiB  2580 / 2580 items  0 errors  ETA 0:00
duration: 0:00, 6572.38MiB/s
snapshot 79766175 saved

You can even backup individual files in the same repository.

$ restic -r /tmp/backup backup ~/work.txt
scan [/home/user/work.txt]
scanned 0 directories, 1 files in 0:00
[0:00] 100.00%  0B/s  220B / 220B  1 / 1 items  0 errors  ETA 0:00
duration: 0:00, 0.03MiB/s
snapshot 31f7bd63 saved

In fact several hosts may use the same repository to backup directories and files leading to a greater de-duplication.

Please be aware that when you backup different directories (or the directories to be saved have a variable name component like a time/date), restic always needs to read all files and only afterwards can compute which parts of the files need to be saved. When you backup the same directory again (maybe with new or changed files) restic will find the old snapshot in the repo and by default only reads those files that are new or have been modified since the last snapshot. This is decided based on the modify date of the file in the file system.

Now is a good time to run restic check to verify that all data is properly stored in the repository. You should run this command regularly to make sure the internal structure of the repository is free of errors.

You can exclude folders and files by specifying exclude-patterns. Either specify them with multiple --exclude’s or one --exclude-file

$ cat exclude
# exclude go-files
# exclude foo/x/y/z/bar foo/x/bar foo/bar
$ restic -r /tmp/backup backup ~/work --exclude=*.c --exclude-file=exclude

Patterns use filepath.Glob internally, see filepath.Match for syntax. Patterns are tested against the full path of a file/dir to be saved, not only against the relative path below the argument given to restic backup. Patterns need to match on complete path components. (foo matches /dir1/foo/dir2/file and /dir/foo but does not match /dir/foobar or barfoo.) A trailing / is ignored. A leading / anchors the pattern at the root directory. (/bin matches /bin/bash but does not match /usr/bin/restic.) Regular wildcards cannot be used to match over the directory separator /. (b*ash matches /bin/bash but does not match /bin/ash.) However ** matches arbitrary subdirectories. (foo/**/bar matches /dir1/foo/dir2/bar/file, /foo/bar/file and /tmp/foo/bar.) Environment-variables in exclude-files are expanded with os.ExpandEnv.

By specifying the option --one-file-system you can instruct restic to only backup files from the file systems the initially specified files or directories reside on. For example, calling restic like this won’t backup /sys or /dev on a Linux system:

$ restic -r /tmp/backup backup --one-file-system /

By using the --files-from option you can read the files you want to backup from a file. This is especially useful if a lot of files have to be backed up that are not in the same folder or are maybe pre-filtered by other software.

or example maybe you want to backup files that have a certain filename in them:

$ find /tmp/somefiles | grep 'PATTERN' > /tmp/files_to_backup

You can then use restic to backup the filtered files:

$ restic -r /tmp/backup backup --files-from /tmp/files_to_backup

Incidentally you can also combine --files-from with the normal files args:

$ restic -r /tmp/backup backup --files-from /tmp/files_to_backup /tmp/some_additional_file

Comparing Snapshots

Restic has a diff command which shows the difference between two snapshots and displays a small statistic, just pass the command two snapshot IDs:

$ restic -r /tmp/backup diff 5845b002 2ab627a6
password is correct
comparing snapshot ea657ce5 to 2ab627a6:

 C   /restic/cmd_diff.go
+    /restic/foo
 C   /restic/restic

Files:           0 new,     0 removed,     2 changed
Dirs:            1 new,     0 removed
Others:          0 new,     0 removed
Data Blobs:     14 new,    15 removed
Tree Blobs:      2 new,     1 removed
  Added:   16.403 MiB
  Removed: 16.402 MiB

Backing up special items and metadata

Symlinks are archived as symlinks, restic does not follow them. When you restore, you get the same symlink again, with the same link target and the same timestamps.

If there is a bind-mount below a directory that is to be saved, restic descends into it.

Device files are saved and restored as device files. This means that e.g. /dev/sda is archived as a block device file and restored as such. This also means that the content of the corresponding disk is not read, at least not from the device file.

By default, restic does not save the access time (atime) for any files or other items, since it is not possible to reliably disable updating the access time by restic itself. This means that for each new backup a lot of metadata is written, and the next backup needs to write new metadata again. If you really want to save the access time for files and directories, you can pass the --with-atime option to the backup command.

Reading data from stdin

Sometimes it can be nice to directly save the output of a program, e.g. mysqldump so that the SQL can later be restored. Restic supports this mode of operation, just supply the option --stdin to the backup command like this:

$ mysqldump [...] | restic -r /tmp/backup backup --stdin

This creates a new snapshot of the output of mysqldump. You can then use e.g. the fuse mounting option (see below) to mount the repository and read the file.

By default, the file name stdin is used, a different name can be specified with --stdin-filename, e.g. like this:

$ mysqldump [...] | restic -r /tmp/backup backup --stdin --stdin-filename production.sql

Tags for backup

Snapshots can have one or more tags, short strings which add identifying information. Just specify the tags for a snapshot one by one with --tag:

$ restic -r /tmp/backup backup --tag projectX --tag foo --tag bar ~/work

The tags can later be used to keep (or forget) snapshots with the forget command. The command tag can be used to modify tags on an existing snapshot.