
This is a list of how certain tasks may be accomplished when you use restic via scripts.

Check if a repository is already initialized

You may find a need to check if a repository is already initialized, perhaps to prevent your script from initializing a repository multiple times. The command cat config may be used for this purpose:

$ restic -r /srv/restic-repo cat config
Fatal: unable to open config file: stat /srv/restic-repo/config: no such file or directory
Is there a repository at the following location?

If a repository does not exist, restic will return a non-zero exit code and print an error message. Note that restic will also return a non-zero exit code if a different error is encountered (e.g.: incorrect password to cat config) and it may print a different error message. If there are no errors, restic will return a zero exit code and print the repository metadata.

JSON output

Restic outputs JSON data to stdout if requested with the --json flag. The structure of that data varies depending on the circumstance. The JSON output of most restic commands are documented here.


Not all commands support JSON output. If a command does not support JSON output, feel free to submit a pull request!


We try to keep the JSON output backwards compatible. However, new message types or fields may be added at any time. Similarly, enum-like fields for which a fixed list of allowed values is documented may be extended at any time.

Output formats

Currently only the output on stdout is JSON formatted. Errors printed on stderr are still printed as plain text messages. The generated JSON output uses one of the following two formats.

Single JSON document

Several commands output a single JSON document that can be parsed in its entirety. Depending on the command, the output consists of either a single or multiple lines.

JSON lines

Several commands, in particular long running ones or those that generate a large output, use a format also known as JSON lines. It consists of a stream of new-line separated JSON messages. You can determine the nature of the message using the message_type field.

As an exception, the ls command uses the field struct_type instead.


The backup command uses the JSON lines format with the following message types.


message_type Always “status”
seconds_elapsed Time since backup started
seconds_remaining Estimated time remaining
percent_done Percentage of data backed up (bytes_done/total_bytes)
total_files Total number of files detected
files_done Files completed (backed up to repo)
total_bytes Total number of bytes in backup set
bytes_done Number of bytes completed (backed up to repo)
error_count Number of errors
current_files List of files currently being backed up


message_type Always “error”
error Error message
during What restic was trying to do
item Usually, the path of the problematic file

Verbose Status

Verbose status provides details about the progress, including details about backed up files.

message_type Always “verbose_status”
action Either “new”, “unchanged”, “modified” or “scan_finished”
item The item in question
duration How long it took, in seconds
data_size How big the item is
metadata_size How big the metadata is
total_files Total number of files


Summary is the last output line in a successful backup.

message_type Always “summary”
files_new Number of new files
files_changed Number of files that changed
files_unmodified Number of files that did not change
dirs_new Number of new directories
dirs_changed Number of directories that changed
dirs_unmodified Number of directories that did not change
data_blobs Number of data blobs
tree_blobs Number of tree blobs
data_added Amount of data added, in bytes
total_files_processed Total number of files processed
total_bytes_processed Total number of bytes processed
total_duration Total time it took for the operation to complete
snapshot_id ID of the new snapshot


The cat command returns data about various objects in the repository, which are stored in JSON form. Specifying --json or --quiet will suppress any non-JSON messages the command generates.


The diff command uses the JSON lines format with the following message types.


message_type Always “change”
path Path that has changed
modifier Type of change, a concatenation of the following characters: “+” = added, “-” = removed, “T” = entry type changed, “M” = file content changed, “U” = metadata changed


message_type Always “statistics”
source_snapshot ID of first snapshot
target_snapshot ID of second snapshot
changed_files Number of changed files
added DiffStat object, see below
removed DiffStat object, see below

DiffStat object

files Number of changed files
dirs Number of changed directories
others Number of changed other directory entries
data_blobs Number of data blobs
tree_blobs Number of tree blobs
bytes Number of bytes


The find command outputs a single JSON document containing an array of JSON objects with matches for your search term. These matches are organized by snapshot.

If the --blob or --tree option is passed, then the output is an array of Blob objects.

hits Number of matches in the snapshot
snapshot ID of the snapshot
matches Array of Match objects detailing a match

Match object

path Object path
permissions UNIX permissions
type Object type e.g. file, dir, etc…
atime Access time
mtime Modification time
ctime Change time
name Object name
user Name of owner
group Name of group
mode UNIX file mode, shorthand of permissions
device_id OS specific device identifier
links Number of hardlinks
uid ID of owner
gid ID of group
size Size of object in bytes

Blob object

object_type Either “blob” or “tree”
id ID of found blob
path Path in snapshot
parent_tree Parent tree blob, only set for type “blob”
snapshot Snapshot ID
time Snapshot timestamp


The forget command prints a single JSON document containing an array of ForgetGroups. If specific snapshot IDs are specified, then no output is generated.

The prune command does not yet support JSON such that forget --prune results in a mix of JSON and text output.


tags Tags identifying the snapshot group
host Host identifying the snapshot group
paths Paths identifying the snapshot group
keep Array of Snapshot objects that are kept
remove Array of Snapshot objects that were removed
reasons Array of Reason objects describing why a snapshot is kept

Snapshot object

time Timestamp of when the backup was started
parent ID of the parent snapshot
tree ID of the root tree blob
paths List of paths included in the backup
hostname Hostname of the backed up machine
username Username the backup command was run as
uid ID of owner
gid ID of group
excludes List of paths and globs excluded from the backup
tags List of tags for the snapshot in question
program_version restic version used to create snapshot
id Snapshot ID
short_id Snapshot ID, short form

Reason object

snapshot Snapshot object, without id and short_id fields
matches Array containing descriptions of the matching criteria
counters Object containing counters used by the policies


The init command uses the JSON lines format, but only outputs a single message.

message_type Always “initialized”
id ID of the created repository
repository URL of the repository

key list

The key list command returns an array of objects with the following structure.

current Is currently used key?
id Unique key ID
userName User who created it
hostName Name of machine it was created on
created Timestamp when it was created


The ls command uses the JSON lines format with the following message types. As an exception, the struct_type field is used to determine the message type.


struct_type Always “snapshot”
time Timestamp of when the backup was started
parent ID of the parent snapshot
tree ID of the root tree blob
paths List of paths included in the backup
hostname Hostname of the backed up machine
username Username the backup command was run as
uid ID of owner
gid ID of group
excludes List of paths and globs excluded from the backup
tags List of tags for the snapshot in question
id Snapshot ID
short_id Snapshot ID, short form


struct_type Always “node”
name Node name
type Node type
path Node path
uid UID of node
gid GID of node
size Size in bytes
mode Node mode
atime Node access time
mtime Node modification time
ctime Node creation time


The restore command uses the JSON lines format with the following message types.


message_type Always “status”
seconds_elapsed Time since restore started
percent_done Percentage of data backed up (bytes_restored/total_bytes)
total_files Total number of files detected
files_restored Files restored
total_bytes Total number of bytes in restore set
bytes_restored Number of bytes restored


message_type Always “summary”
seconds_elapsed Time since restore started
total_files Total number of files detected
files_restored Files restored
total_bytes Total number of bytes in restore set
bytes_restored Number of bytes restored


The snapshots command returns a single JSON object, an array with objects of the structure outlined below.

time Timestamp of when the backup was started
parent ID of the parent snapshot
tree ID of the root tree blob
paths List of paths included in the backup
hostname Hostname of the backed up machine
username Username the backup command was run as
uid ID of owner
gid ID of group
excludes List of paths and globs excluded from the backup
tags List of tags for the snapshot in question
program_version restic version used to create snapshot
id Snapshot ID
short_id Snapshot ID, short form


The snapshots command returns a single JSON object.

total_size Repository size in bytes
total_file_count Number of files backed up in the repository
total_blob_count Number of blobs in the repository
snapshots_count Number of processed snapshots
total_uncompressed_size Repository size in bytes if blobs were uncompressed
compression_ratio Factor by which the already compressed data has shrunk due to compression
compression_progress Percentage of already compressed data
compression_space_saving Overall space saving due to compression